Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It's so much fun being back in the "high school-esque" routine of being away from home for more than eight hours in the day. I've been so busy with the things that I always had all day to do that I have slacked off on:

1) Blogging
2) Hulu... I have a queue of 14 unseen new shows... I might have to break up with a few of them.
3) Video Games

I'll have even less time once "ARUP Boot Camp" starts...

Today at work I got to take a "Hands-On Pipetting" class. It was scheduled to take an hour and a half to complete. It only took about thirty to forty-five minutes.

In the class we were required to calibrate a mechanical pipette at 20 uL with a spectrometer. The instructor told us that we could have an inaccuracy no greater than 1% and a lack of precision no greater than 2%. (So if the spectrometer told me that I actually pipetted 20.04 uL instead of 20.00 uL that is a pretty good number, but if it told me that I pipetted 24.00 uL then obviously I would be doing something wrong.)

When I performed the calibration--even though I've only used a mechanical pipette a few times--my accuracy/precision scores were better than the instructor's.

So I didn't have to stay very long.

My "mentor" also left me alone in the laboratory for about two hours. So I had to take a bunch of phone calls on my own that required some creative answers on my part.

I also had to keep the samples put away in their various test racks. (We get new samples brought up to the lab every hour.)

I had lunch with the supervisor over Molecular Genetics and she told me that my "mentor" said that I am grasping things really quickly and that I seem very smart. The supervisor told me she replied with something like "that's why we hired her."

I like having a good reputation. :P

But I'm still learning a lot of new things.