Friday, April 12, 2013

A dream

I was in the lab, helping a work friend from Oncology get DNA extracted from one of her weird gross cancerous specimens. I told her that I would make sure it got taken care of. She offered to give me a ride back to the main lab in her airplane. I asked her if she was certified yet, and she said no that only the officers had flown with her before--nobody else. I expressed concern about letting her fly me back (we'd already started flying but it felt like we were in a regular car on a regular road) and then I noticed another work friend walking with an unknown person along the road. I opened the door and yelled a greeting back at him as we passed. The pilot stopped and let me out. The work friend approached and got into an intense conversation with the pilot. I was a distance away but overheard "--she doesn't want to fly with me does that make me a bad pilot?--" I walked away from them and found my purple jeep so that I could drive the rest of the way to work. (None of these roads I drove looked anything like the proper way to work.) I was driving along the shoulder, about to turn right, when some people started screaming at me to stop. I stopped just in time *not* to run over a body on the side of the road. I put my jeep into neutral, pulled the parking break, and got out of the car. The body was face down, I could tell it was a young woman and she was just rocking back and forth. There was another young woman in the street who had a swollen face. She looked fine other than that until I looked at her feet, which were grotesquely amputated so that a few toes still were there. Someone asked me to help to triage people. I turned around and there was a line of children lying down, becoming unburied. Many of them were fine. There was a little boy of 2 or 3 who was blond and had Down Syndrome. He was a little cut up but he smiled at me and I smiled back at him and I asked if he was hurt. He sneezed a massive wad of yellow snot. I picked him up after he stood up and walked toward me, and examined his injuries which were few. Suddenly there was nobody else around but me and this little boy. Everyone else had driven off in ambulances and fire trucks. I asked one lingering person if we should take this boy to the hospital as well, and they said his injuries weren't bad enough. So he stayed with me and I brought him to work. Work wasn't work, we all just played Halo and let the kid run around. Then my boss came in and said that after this round we'd have to really do work. Then I was with the work friend in a place that really looked like work. "We just spent the whole day playing video games. We didn't hire a bunch of derps, they're just following our example."