Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The View

One thing I enjoy about getting to work so early in the morning is the opportunity I have to watch the sky and valley light up as the sun rises over the mountain.

I am sitting outside on a rooftop pavilion with round metal tables covered by yellow canvas umbrellas. A flock of magpies lives here. The birds swoop over my head and round and round waiting for me to drop a crumb or two from my bagel. Not a chance! This bagel's all mine.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

0500 Hours

That is what time I am at the lab every morning. Unfortunately, I haven't been getting to sleep before 2200 hours most nights. Sometimes later. I think it is starting to take a bit of a toll on my body.

My skin is generally acne and pimple free, but lately I've been breaking out a little. Which is a lot more than usual. I guess I just need to get a better rhythm going.

Also, I don't know if my mom told anyone but I've just started taking an EMT-Basic certification course through Salt Lake Community College. So far I've been enjoying it but it is scheduled for Thursdays from 1800 to 2200 and on Saturdays from 0800 to 1700. It's a 10 credit hour class.

Anyway that's my life these days.


So I'm on my phone and taking a lunch at work and I'm sitting next to these two ladies who must just be snacking because they're definitely not eating enough for real energy. And suddenly I pick up on what they're saying.

"So its--it has you start out on eating a ton of really fatty foods and then you start the actual diet."

They're talking about human chorionic gonadotropin and the "sublingual drops" diet. I know this because I have a friend who went on the diet a few months ago. It has you overeat for three days and then suddenly drop to 500 calories per day for 45 ish days. She lost some fat really fast. And now she's the same size as before the diet. Just another crash diet. Too bad some people just have to learn from experience otherwise I would have said something. They wouldn't listen to me anyway. I'm not a skinny model so clearly I know nothing about healthful eating.