Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Turn and Turn and Turn Again

My life is tending toward the cyclical end of things. I work ten hours on Wednesday-Saturday and so it takes up a lot of my life. It's a good thing that everyone in my lab gets along famously.

My trainer told me today that I'm the best trainee she's ever worked with. So that was a bit of an ego boost. Even though I make my fair share of mistakes, she said that I've made the least mistakes of everyone as a trainee. I enjoy doing things right.

The thing that I am looking forward to most right now is my NYC trip in May. I was going to visit my grandparents in the Caribbean but I was persuaded that it wouldn't be fun without a friend, so I decided to go to NY instead. I'm excited to see all my CNY friends and to visit the big city for the first time.

I've also been entertaining the thought of renting my own place, but it really goes against my goals right now to have to spend money on living arrangements. I like to feel able to save a lot of money for school since University is so expensive these days, but if I have to give 3/4 of my monthly paycheck to just staying alive it will take me a million times longer to actually graduate and move up in the world.

So it looks like I'll be bunking with my parents until I get a raise. (Which hopefully will be soon-ish.)

Other news: I got a "Speak French" CD set from the library the other day. I've been listening to it during downtime at work. So far it has just been review but hopefully soon I'll get into the good stuff and learn some new things.

Happy Wednesday!


Jane Babcock said...

There are great interactive language learning sites on-line that could take you as far as you want to go.

Have fun in New York. Wish we knew where we will be in May. If were were still here on St. Croix, we could guarantee fun.

Fine Art by Jennifer said...

Sounds busy! I'm glad you're with good people though, and that you're learning new things!