Monday, September 9, 2013

Interwebs, Finally

It has been an extremely busy couple of weeks. My roommate and I are getting along very well. We finally got our mail key (we've been waiting for it for two weeks) and we also got our modem! It's been really hard not having internet access at home.

Earlier this week we tried to go to the UPS store to pick up the modem directly since it was supposedly being held there. When we got there, the boys at the counter told us that there wasn't anything they could do to find it because the address had been changed. (Apparently Sophie forgot to include the apartment number in our address, and when she called to find out why we hadn't received it yet they asked for address verification so that must be when it was changed.)

We were really frustrated at that, so we went to the Southeast Asian Market on 900 S and got ingredients for Chinese dumplings. They were delicious. It was really fun listening to Sophie speaking Mandarin with the butcher there. She later told me that he taught her how to say "Thank You" in his hometown dialect.

School has been going pretty well, but a lot of assignments are dependent on having the internet. On Friday I will be giving my first speech for Public Speaking. It's going to be about why I am taking the class. There might be video of it to follow if anyone is interested in watching me embarrass myself. Heh.

1 comment:

Deb said...

I'm glad you got your modem. I hope your teachers were understanding about the internet assignments. Those Chinese dumplings sound delicious. I'm glad things are working out with Sophie. She sounds like an interesting person. I'm glad you wrote. I was wondering how things were going with you. We've missed you around here.