Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Weekend

A few months ago my friend Charla and a bunch of friends decided that it would be fun to dress up as the Muses from Disney's Hercules.

A month later, the other friends bailed and it was just going to be me and Charla who would be Muses. We decided that you can't have just two Muses and still be cool, and came up with dozens of awesome costume ideas. We finally settled on being Nazi Zombies.

But then when we checked out the stores for supplies, we realized that those costumes would be way too expensive. So we decided to be regular zombies from Left for Dead 2.

A week before Halloween, Uncle Michael told me about his awesome LotR idea. I had already committed to hanging out with Charla on Saturday and that's when the event would be happening for the LotR group as well. I spent much of the day Friday making a new LotR-centered costume for Owen of the Witch King. On Saturday I figured out a way to make Mariel look kind of elven. Maybe like a LotRO character... no one specific but still cool.

When the time came for Mariel and Owen to go meet the group, my friend still hadn't contacted me even though I'd tried to contact her multiple times about what was going on.

I ended up joining the Lord of the Rings group as a zombie. If I had known that I'd be spending the evening with them anyway, I would have made something cooler for myself. Like the Eye of Sauron.

But it was still fun.

I didn't take any pictures, but many pictures were taken. I hope to see them soon.

1 comment:

Jane Babcock said...

Nice to see the results on your mom's blogs. I was very impressed with your Halloween help.