Friday, September 9, 2011


I just got home from my CPR training. It was unexpectedly enjoyable. The instructors had some interesting things to say in addition to the actual curriculum - - wacky stories involving rib cages and whatnot.

Most people who took the course were able to leave one hour earlier than usual since we will be going over more of the practical stuff during the actual EMT class. Good thing, too. I've been awake since 0400 this morning and I was pretty tired out after all that practice. CPR really takes it out of you.

We did a lot of kneeling down next to dummies and my knees are still bright red. I did the capillary refill test on my kneecaps just now, and the refill was instantaneous. (Usually it takes about a second or two for the blood to re-enter capillaries after you press down on the skin to make a pale spot.) Also, I'm pretty sure they are going to look a bit purple-y and bruised tomorrow.

The instructors should consider using some sort of padding during the class. But I suppose that in the real world when you're trying to bring someone back to life, padding isn't really your main concern.

Maybe I should start conditioning my knees to withstand prolonged pressure so that it doesn't feel like they've turned into smallish heaters after every time I do CPR.


Jane Babcock said...

Hopefully you will be prepared always, but not have to do CPR that often.

landbeck said...

Just buy a pair of knee-pads like what carpet-layers use. Or skateboarders.

Deb said...

I like how you called your knees "smallish heaters." Made me smile.

I'm thankful we'll have a trained CPR person in the house! You are doing a very good thing.