Thursday, September 15, 2011

How Do You Know When You're Spread Too Thinly?

Stress management. How do you do it?


Jennilyn said...

Ha! The great question! Keeping a calendar I can carry with me and not committing to ANYTHING until I check it. Exercise. Go to sleep as early as possible. Work hard, but play and laugh hard, too. Hug someone everyday!

Deb said...

Do(or schedule)the most important things first. Then at least those things get done. Don't worry about what you can't do. You know you're spreading too thin when you don't have time for what matters most to you.

Jane Babcock said...

Good thoughts. It is much easier to apologetically decline if you have another commitment written down, even if it is commitment to yourself to exercise. I always try to do the things that have to be done ahead of time so there is time left for important emergencies.