Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finals Week

Today is the last day of class, two reading days follow, and then finals week begins. To the dismay of most students, including me, Saturday will be included in the testing days. Hopefully I will get all of my tests finished between Friday and Saturday and have a week of preparation before Spring semester starts. I think I will drop all of the classes I selected for Summer semester so that I don't have to worry about funds for the entire 2010-2011 academic year quite as much, and so that I will have time to visit home and go to my brother's baptism and my sister's graduation. These are important events to me, and I think I should be there for them.

Yesterday I spent the entire day (well, most of it) studying in the library. I felt quite accomplished. The next three days will include much of the same activity. Today, however, I'll be attending some fun events instead of spending every second of the day in the library. The first is the Unforum, which should be mildly entertaining. The next is an evening celebration in the Wilk which will provide my free dinner. :) I look forward to that.

After all of this I will likely spend the reading days up in Salt Lake City so that I have my own space to study in, and then I will return to take my exams.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Yes, good luck! I'm glad you can go up to Salt Lake to study.

Just let me know the dates you want to fly home and back and I'll book your tickets asap.