Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday Adventure

I had gone up to Salt Lake City to stay with my Grandma Gerie for the weekend. I spent Friday night at her house reading Gregor the Overlander and occasionally watching bits and pieces of movies. And, of course, snacking on chocolate frosting. Mmmm...

Meanwhile my friends in Provo were all going to see Divine Comedy. And all my friends in Salt Lake were either busy or at birthday parties. It was one of the most boring Friday nights of my life.

So in the morning I decided to hop on Trax and go back down to Provo. And I did. On the way back down to Provo I had to wait with a group of people for the 811 Southbound bus. It wouldn't get there for twenty minutes.

A large Tongan man who was quite drunk and stank from fifteen feet away was talking to everyone incessantly. Swearing like a sailor he asked people inappropriate questions and told inappropriate stories about drugs, prison, and "teachin' bleepity bleepin' kids not to shoot each otha"--quite charming.

I had to put my bicycle on the bike rack in front of the bus so I was last in line to actually get on the bus. The large drunk Tongan dude stumbled on the bus first, and unfortunately since I was the last person to get on the bus, the only seat available was in the back just a few feet away from the creeper who had been drinking too much.

Fortunately he focused his inappropriate questions and inappropriate stories on two hipster teenagers sitting across the way from me. Of course, I laughed at most of the conversation they were having. The whole thing was completely ridiculous. I sent a text to my friend asking about what counts as public intoxication. Luckily, right as I sent the message the bus driver stopped at another bus stop and walked to the back of the bus with a new passenger.

"You're going to get off of my bus."

"What did I do wrong?"

"Get off my bus. Now."

The drunk guy obliged, cussing the whole time. He threw in some rude gestures after he got off the bus. Everyone in the back of the bus sighed in relief. We opened the windows and hoped that soon the stench of booze would air out... eventually.

It did. But I had to take a shower just to get his smell off of my skin.

Afterward, Charla asked me if I'd want to hang out with her tonight. Of course I would, and I went outside to hop on the bus back up to the south-most Trax station.

Thankfully, the bus ride back up to the train was much less exciting, and I was able to read most of Gregor the Overlander. By the time I got up to Fort Union I had finished the book. (Loved it.)

Charla picked me up and we went to the mall so that she could use her gift card she got for Christmas last year (since the mall was on the way.) We went back to her house and played Nintendo 64 Mario Kart with its terrible resolution. We watched part of Shallow Hal but decided we were both too tired to continue.

Now it is Sunday and we're all getting ready for church. She'll be my ride back to Provo this afternoon, and then it's back to the normal routine.


Deb said...

Wow. That does sound like quite the undesirable bus ride. I'm glad things improved. And I'm glad you have a bike and good friends like Charla.

Jane Babcock said...

Brave bus driver! We're sorry that you couldn't be with us. We're hoping you will be able to join us next Sunday. Love, GpaK