Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 2 in NY

I woke up this morning feeling rather refreshed. It was about 0930 as the Eastern rooster crows. I had just enough time to get ready for church. Luckily the Wesels live two minutes away from the church. It was stake conference today so unfortunately a lot of people from the ward were gone. I showed almost everyone I said hey to the video I shot on my phone of my new YSA ward's meetinghouse that's almost identical to the Liverpool one. Everyone laughed or thought it was cool.

After church I spent a few hours hanging out with Christine. We drove around Syracuse downtown with the windows down because its so nice here lately. It was really fun. Then at about 5, the three younger Bixby girls came over and we had a really delicious pasta and garlic bread dinner with trifle and bundt cake for dessert. It was amazing. Afterwards we played "the game of things". I recommend it as a fabulous social game. There were a lot of good laughs.

The Bixbys had to go home at about 2040 so after that we just hung around talking until 2200 and then Wesel and Wassail went to sleep and I went to Garrett's house. We drove around town until just after midnight at which point I.started getting tired and came back here where I will retire to bed shortly.

No pictures thus time either, unfortunately.

Thanks for reading! :)


Jane Babcock said...

Sounds like a real day of rest compared with Day 1.

Deb said...

Oohh, that sounds like delicious food and fun times. Stake Conference is good, but can be harder to find people. You are blessed to be there. So happy you are writing!