Monday, February 15, 2010

The Day That Everyone Got Covered In Mud...

Woke up at 10, played around for a while, went with Charity and the gang to Kiwanis park and did a round of "Urban Golf", played mud football with the gang, pwn'd and got pwn'd, went to Saigon, wasn't hungry so didn't mooch off of other peoples' dinner, enjoyed the company of the gang + Klaas + Collin's friend + Collin's friend's baby, went back to Collin's and John's place to watch The Eleventh Hour (terrible film... just terrible), enjoyed making fun of The Eleventh Hour with the gang, walked back home with Klaas and went to sleep.


Deb said...

Sounds like a fun day.

I haven't seen that movie. Sounds apocalyptic. I don't like movies like that.

Sarah said...

Hahaha. It's an amateur film. About an ex-seal. Who broke up with his wife. And then bad Korean guys came after him. And put a bomb in his wife's head. And he protected her. And then he protected his friend. And he saved the day. And it was all very cheesy and terribly done. Hahaha.

Deb said...

Oh, and at the library today I saw a British TV series with Patrick Stewart in it by the same name. Weird. But I didn't read the jacket.

Jane Babcock said...

What's "Urban Golf"? And "pwn'd"? GpaK

Sarah said...

urban golf (n): A game played in an unconventional environment (streets, alleys, sidewalks, etc.) using only a golf club and a ball, such as a tennis ball. Competitors set up a course in a city-like environment and use targets like billboards and dumpsters as holes. Modeled after the sport of golf--only much cooler.

pwn (v): an act of dominating an opponent

Jane Babcock said...

Ah, the light comes on! Let's hope you will be Translated correctly.