Friday, February 19, 2010

The Day That I Got To Ride In A Tow Truck...

Woke up naturally quite early, took a shower, went to get breakfast with Charla, found out that the cable guy wasn't going to come to Scott's condo until next Thursday so we didn't have to sleep over there after all, went back to Charla's house and killed zombies, watched a bunch of episodes of Firefly, rode with Charla back down to Provo, got dropped off on the corner of campus, walked straight up to the Wilk for a BJJ letter-writing party, had tons of fun watching people fight, also had tons of fun writing fake letters with Charity and Mitchell, helped clean up, looked for Charity's keys for an hour, didn't find them, reminded Charity that AAA does a free tow for members, stayed with Charity and a bunch of others to wait for the tow truck guy, went into the library to plug my phone in since the tow truck guy only had my cell number, told the tow truck guy how to get to the parking lot, walked back to the parking lot and drank hot chocolate that Collin brought back for us, went with Charity into the tow truck, watched Charity's car get pulled onto the tow truck, took pictures, instructed the tow truck guy on how to get to the duck pond where he'd leave Charity's car, laughed at our silly friends, got into Collin's car with Jon, Charity, Kayla, John, Miller, and Collin and rode with them back to Collin's apartment, watched Jon and Collin kill Nazi Zombies for a while, retreated to the kitchen to play Phase 10 with everyone, got to "phase 5" with Charity and Miller when we called it quits and decided that the three of us tied for the win, went back to my apartment, tried to be quiet coming in and getting ready for bed, hopefully didn't fail at trying to be quiet, wrote my very long run-on sentence and went to sleep.


Deb said...

You did'nt use our AAA membership did you? I forgot to tell you we discontinued it. Oops.

Deb said...

And now it's renewed. I'll send you your new card.

Emmalyn said...

I didn't hear you at all... I was out.

Sarah said...

Nope, I don't even have my AAA card. The only reason I remembered that members get a free tow is because Charity said that she had AAA and that maybe we should call them... and Collin said it wasn't worth the 100 bucks it would cost... and then I told them that members get a free tow for basic service. So she used her card for the tow.

Deb said...

Silly me, jumping to conclusions. Oh well, at least we have the membership for another year. :)