Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Day That It Rained...

Woke up to Charity's phone call, didn't answer the phone, tried to get back to sleep even though roommates were loud and our walls are thin, put earplugs in and went back to sleep, had some wacky dreams that I don't remember, woke up even later, hung around home for a while, went for a short walk outside and discovered that it was raining, enjoyed the rain (sprinkles more like), went back inside, went to Michael and Sarah's to watch Ellie, had tons of fun playing with Ellie, got tickets on Fandango for Michael and Sarah, went to Collin's place and killed zombies with John for a while, got a ride with Collin and John and Dalton and Miller to Brent's place, watched silly videos on YouTube with the gang, had root beer float slushies (which were amazing), went downstairs and watched the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring on an awesome projector, got a ride back home with Charity, went for a walk with Klaas, came back home and went to sleep.


Deb said...

Sounds like a pretty fun day. Lucky that you get to see Ellie growing up in person. I hope you slept well last night. Happy squeezes.

Jennilyn said...

Lucky babysitter-you! Hugs to you today from auntie. Love you!