Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Day That Was Very Long But Very Good...

Awakened relatively early in the morning, walked up to campus to take a test, took the test, didn't do as well as I'd hoped but did better than I thought I would, went back home, goofed around for a while, went over to Collin's with Charity and Collin and we waited for John, played some Left 4 Dead with John for a while and ate a few Nutella Eggos, went to the movies with Charity and Collin and John, enjoyed the film, went with Collin and Charity and John to Burger King so John could get dinner before going to work, went with Charity back to her apartment and hung around while she put her swimsuit on since we'd decided to go hot tubbing, went back to my apartment and put my swimsuit on, went with Charity back to Collin's apartment and played a little Guitar Hero before going into the hot tub, enjoyed the hot tub, jumped into the freezing pool alone, jumped back into the hot tub, went back over to Collin's apartment and played more Guitar Hero, played Phase 10 with Miller, Dalton, Charity, and Collin until very late at night/early in the morning, finally decided to call it quits, got a ride back home from Charity, wrote my sentence and went to sleep.


Deb said...

I'd trade my yesterday for yours. A hot tub sounds good.

Jane Babcock said...

Hey, we're missing your great posts! Love, GpaK

Jennilyn said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY! Congratulations! Twenty hugs, virtually sent to you right now!