Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Day of Crazy Random Happenstances...

Woke up at 5am, got out of bed even though I was tempted to lie there for another hour, ate breakfast, got ready for school, walked up to campus with Emma in the FREEZING-ness, went to REL A122 for RM's and mature students (I simply HAD to have this particular teacher), ran into two Anatomy TA's and a few friends, went to OChem Recitation, was bored out of my mind by OChem Recitation, recognized one of the other students in aforementioned really boring class, went to the ATMs by the Wilk Terrace and transferred funds between various accounts just for kicks (not really), ran into Elyse and Katherine and Arielle, walked back to my apartment, did some homework, watched another episode of 24 (since we got back together... I just have to finish the 7th season before the next one starts!! :P), figured out my reading schedule via Google Calendar (which I now almost completely rely on), walked back up to campus in the freezing-ness, slipped on the ice a few times but maintained balance, attended the lecture portion of my Chem Lab class, ran into Mikey (Sarah's brother), had to pee, ended up going into the wrong lab room but stayed there anyway because my station was across the way from some REALLY attractive single peoples of the male variety, enjoyed oogling at the boys whilst attempting to calibrate my pipette, continued to enjoy oogling at the boys whilst polishing a glass tubey thing with a Bunsen Burner, finally finished checking in, bade farewell to the cute boys (hey, Emma met Dean in her Chem Lab... there's a chance!), walked back to my apartment in the freezing-ness, did more homework and studying, wrote my run-on sentence, and mentally prepared to read some Hero of Ages before calling it a night.


Jennilyn said...

Tell me you weren't wearing flip flops when you slipped on the ice! Also love google calendars. Keeps us sane. Or more so.

Deb said...

I thought I told you to stay away from those chem lab boys??!! ha ha. Sounds like quite a day.

Sarah said...

Jennilyn - Yesterday I was wearing sneakers because closed toe shoes are required for the chemistry lab. But today I wore flip flops. *grin*

Mom - How about I adopt the policy that you can look but you can't touch? Bwahaha.

Deb said...

Oh, and don't let them sing to you either.

Emmalyn said...

: )