Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Day That I Didn't Go Snowshoeing...

Woke up at 7, went to the apartment de Chris to pick up mats with Charity and the BJJ gang, took the mats to the Wilk, kind of practiced BJJ, felt sad for a friend for reasons I will not disclose at this time, went to Saigon to get food with some of the BJJ gang, was disappointed not to go shooting this afternoon, hung out with Alex and Josh from BJJ, also hung out with Charity for a while, randomly went shopping with Chris and Miller, went back to the apartment de Chris to watch Uncle Buck, ate pizza, enjoyed watching movies with Chris and Miller and Charity, went home very sleepily, had roommate prayer, went to sleep.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Sounds like you're getting really tight with the BJJ peeps. It's good to have that.

I'm missing you.