Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Day For Church...

Woke up yet another thirty minutes earlier than the day before, got dressed, hopped in the car and went to church whilst reading, wrote a story to help keep Owen in check, enjoyed cake and ice cream in the sunbeams' class, waited for Hannah to finish discussing BYU-Idaho's music program with Crystal, got impatient and went out to the car, pressed the number "6" on the keypad because I was bored, was astonished when the car unlocked, realized that the car probably didn't unlock because of me pressing the number "6" on the keypad, but rather because Mom used the remote to unlock the car, palmed my forehead, spent the afternoon reading, played Risk with the sibs, paused Risk with the sibs because Mariel got bored, watched YouTube videos with Mariel and Owen, ate some amazing Thai food for dinner that Mom made, taught Owen a little bit of French (he can now count to ten.. more or less..), went back to my room, took a long hot bath, read some more, wrote my run-on sentence and decided to (probably) go to bed early.

1 comment:

Jane Babcock said...

I love your days in the life of. Your own brand of a reality show. The trend of conscious style is, like, right there! Love, Grandpa Ken