Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Day That I Rocked My Anatomy Lecture Final...

Woke up naturally again at like eleven, watched last night's episode of Lie to Me on Hulu, decided to buckle down and study, studied like crazy, studied some more, walked up to campus and into the JSB, remembered how much I hate taking tests in the JSB, took the test, totally rocked the test, walked back to my apartment from campus, lounged around, realized how utterly mundane my day was, remembered that I needed to write my run-on sentence for the day, wrote my run-on sentence for the day, and decided to call it a night.


Deb said...

Congratulations on doing well on your test! Eleven, so that'd by one our time. Hopefully you'll be able to sleep better here.

Jane Babcock said...

I hope you are able to keep it [the knowledge]. I wish I remembered more from my anatomy class.