Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Day That I Woke Up Five Hours Earlier Than I'm Used To...

Woke up at 8:00am Eastern Time, got ready for church, went to church with Mom and the kids, watched the Christmas program, enjoyed coercing Owen to sing an octave higher than he normally does, was impressed by how much better he sounds singing at a higher pitch, went to Primary instead of Sunday School, enjoyed watching all the little kids, went to Relief Society, got to see a bunch of people that I haven't seen in ages, talked with people after church for a while, went home with Mom and Alena, made a tuna sandwich for lunch, read a few more chapters in Mistborn, ate fudge, read more Mistborn, played with Owen and Mariel, went to Marshal's home and watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, enjoyed it thoroughly, came home before midnight, wrote my run-on sentence for the day, and decided to read more Mistborn instead of going to bed exactly at midnight as I had originally planned (which probably means I won't be getting up as early as I was planning to tomorrow.)


Jennilyn said...

What kind of fudge? We made almond-chocolate yesterday and peanut butter and put chocolate chips in it at the last possible moment, so they didn't melt in and are pleasantly chunky with every bite of soft fudge. Loved Mistborn. WAY TO GO with getting Owen pitched right for his age. He could be in a boy choir! It is amazing how beautiful boy trebles sound, if they can confidently sing and know and be reassured that it sounds GOOD! Girl/women sopranos aren't quite the same, we get a vibrato going as we reach puberty that (ruins) changes the sound clarity, or something...

Jane Babcock said...

You make me curious about Dr. Horrible.