Friday, December 18, 2009

The Day That I Aced a Final Exam in Fifteen Minutes...

Woke up to the sound of silence, found a card under my door from a roommate wishing me a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, smiled, watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog again, studied a little bit for my final that was scheduled for this afternoon, went to the final, was finished in fifteen minutes, went back home, on the way home ran into Diehl Mutamba (a friend from last year), found out that he is going on a mission to Geneva Switzerland... Spanish speaking, laughed at the Spanish speaking part, went out to a Chinese buffet with Diehl, came back to my apartment and packed, waited for Uncle Bob to pick me up, went with Uncle Bob and his daughters to get ice cream from Arctic Circle, had a really bad headache, finally got to Grandma's house, found out my flight was changed so that I can get home earlier and don't have to worry about JFK, decided to go to bed because of that headache, but first wrote my run-on sentence for the day.


Deb said...

Ugh. I can't believe you were stuck there for 15 minutes and could have been home sooner otherwise. And you should have seen my face when they called and said your flight was cancelled. We'd just seen the part of the movie where the plane crashes and we were talking about you coming home and then the phone rang. But I'm glad they changed it to a better time!!! Hope Salt Lake is good to you today and that everything goes well. We love you!!!

Jane Babcock said...

Have a good trip. Glad you got taken care of.

Jennilyn said...

What movie was your mom watching??? Safe journey. Merry Christmas! Congratulations on finishing up your finals, finally!