Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Day That I Disguised Myself As My Mother With Her Library Card...

Woke up thirty minutes earlier than I did yesterday, looked up things that I'd like to borrow from the library on the internet, found Mom's library card because I left mine in Utah, drove the little car to the Salina Library, found Brandon Sanderson's books, grabbed the second and third Mistborn books, set them down on the checkout, spoke with the librarian about Brandon Sanderson's children series featuring Alcatraz, was given the second book to the Alcatraz series because I haven't read it yet, went home, realized that I hadn't put more gas into the car, went to put more gas into the car, came back home, read some more Mistborn, played Pirates of the Caribbean Online with Owen again for a little while, got bored of Pirates of the Caribbean Online and read the rest of Mistborn, started reading The Well of Ascension, wondered who The Watcher is and how important he will be in the rest of the book, thought about reading more of the book so that I can learn who The Watcher is and how he ties into the story, wrote my run-on sentence, and decided to go ahead and read as much of The Well of Ascension as I can before getting too tired to continue reading and finally falling asleep.

1 comment:

Jane Babcock said...

Speaking of library books, Steven says he has renewed the library book you borrowed from him, but they may not let him renew it again.