Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Day That I Witnessed First-Hand How Flammable Acetone Really Is...

Woke up earlier than I would have liked, got out of bed, spent most of the day in my apartment pretending to study, made a camping stove out of a can because I was bored, put acetone in the stove because I couldn't find any rubbing alcohol, lit the camping stove, realized that acetone is probably more flammable than alcohol, put out the fire that ensued, laughed with relief, invited Clarke to discover the flammability of acetone with me, walked to the park with Clarke, watched as Clarke covered his hand in acetone and lit it on fire, laughed, laughed even harder when Clarke put out the fire in the snow, stopped breathing because I was laughing so hard when Clarke exclaimed that his hand was really really cold, walked back to my apartment with Clarke, realized that my roommates were in the living room and would not want a male in the apartment due to various concerns, said goodbye to Clarke, came inside the apartment, typed my run-on sentence, and decided to call it a night.


Deb said...

I think I would have really enjoyed seeing that-- both your fire and Clarke's. I'm glad neither of you burned up. You are more like your dad than I thought. Be careful! We love you!!!

Jennilyn said...

Evaporation=cooler. Great science you have going on there! Picture of Clarke? Clarke the RM friend? Clarke the chemistry buddy? I could have my own "Insistent Questions" blog. "Nosey Auntie" Blog.

Sarah said...

hahahaha. i actually made a video of the hand trick. maybe i'll put it on facebook when i finally move the stuff over from my camera to my computer. :)

Sarah said...

Oh, and Clarke is one of those boys who is just a friend and always will be just a friend... even if you don't think that's possible..... hahahaha. It is! :P